Survey Says: Top What highschool person are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 14 What highschool person are you? results of 38 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What highschool person are you?.      

#1 60.5%
Freak/outsider/outcast- To bad no one notices you and if they do they make fun of you
#2 10.5%
Geek- Live for once
#3 10.5%
Goth- dark and despair get a life
#4 10.5%
Popular person- your cool what do you care
#5 5.3%
Prep- Rich and higher than everyone you reached the top
#6 2.6%
Blonde- you a average blonde
#7 0.0%
Jock- a dumbass who love sports and is cool
#8 0.0%
Perkygirl- happy caring and loving.
#9 0.0%
cheerleader- Well your cool and aalmost at the prep stage
#10 0.0%
drugy- Maybe you do drugs or sell them or just have the image you do drugs?
#11 0.0%
jackass- Always in everyones way , more like a 2ndclass prep you are
#12 0.0%
pest- You get in trouble alot not just with teaches but with students to. As you struggle to make it you piss others off but always hang around
#13 0.0%
slut- Theres no way to describe this with out being insulting
#14 0.0%
thug- Go kick the sh-it out of some one

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