Survey Says: Top What Kind of Love Match Would You Be? results, Anime Survey
The top 5 What Kind of Love Match Would You Be? results of 1207 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Kind of Love Match Would You Be?.      

#1 32.2%
A Friend and Soulmate - Heero needs a companion who will understand, even when he doesn't verbalize everything. ^_^
#2 26.5%
The Lady to his Knight - you are the unreachable ideal he fights for. ^_^
#3 20.7%
A Perfect match! :) You and Heero can enjoy many a quiet evening together, cleaning and reassembling weaponry. Congratulations! ^_^v
#4 14.1%
The wind beneath his Wings - you're the type of person a Soldier can look to for support. ^_^
#5 6.5%
The raspberry seed in his wisdom tooth - it's a wonder that Heero hasn't killed you yet. ^_~ He must like you at least a little, ne? ^_~

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