Survey Says: Top What type of Killer are you? results, Anime Survey
The top 5 What type of Killer are you? results of 346 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What type of Killer are you?.      

#1 42.8%
Evil knight- You care of nothing and no one. your heart is as cold as an iceberg.The lose you endured was tremendous and you could hold on any longer soo you acepted the darkness and let it consume you. if you feel pain then others mut as well.
#2 30.9%
Assassin- you are a silent dark fighter. while most people misunderstamd you you are willing to do anything in order to complete your mission.
#3 10.7%
Mage- you prefer magic among everything else and are skilled at it. You are person who agrees in being apart of a group and is bright along with independent. Even though you agree with being in a group you would run if you had the chance.
#4 8.7%
Swordsman- your prefered weapon is a blade and you use for good. During your ourny you come apon many friends and they adapt to you easily. you re wiliing to risk it all for the sake of good and mankind.
#5 6.9%
samurai- Your honor is your weapon. None can match your blade skillz except maybe the assassin. You are lost deep within your soul and use your anger and strength for good. Unlike the Evil Knight you use your lose to drive you to victory.

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