Survey Says: Top What would your fate in the Wizardry World be? results, Harry Potter Survey
Harry Potter
The top 12 What would your fate in the Wizardry World be? results of 78 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What would your fate in the Wizardry World be?.      

#1 39.7%
Master of Magic
#2 26.9%
Wand Maker
#3 10.3%
Quiditch Player
#4 9.0%
A Professor or Headmaster of Hogwarts
#5 7.7%
A Normal Witch/Wizard
#6 2.6%
Follower of Lord Voldemort
#7 2.6%
Minister of Magic
#8 1.3%
An Auror
#9 0.0%
A Witch/Wizard living as a Muggle
#10 0.0%
#11 0.0%
#12 0.0%
Mischief Maker

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