Survey Says: Top Are you a butt picker, nose picker, eye crust eater, all? results, Weird Survey
The top 25 Are you a butt picker, nose picker, eye crust eater, all? results of 109 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Are you a butt picker, nose picker, eye crust eater, all?.      

#1 20.2%
Nose Picker!!!
#2 16.5%
Scab Muncher!!!
#3 15.6%
Your Perfect in every way!
#4 8.3%
Puke Drinker and Scab Muncher!!!
#5 7.3%
Fart sniffer and scab muncher!!!
#6 4.6%
Eye Crust Eater!!!
#7 4.6%
Fart Sniffer!!!(your own that is)
#8 4.6%
You do half of these things... (you know which ones too, dont lie to yourself)
#9 4.6%
You dont do any of these things but you have before!!!
#10 3.7%
Butt Picker Licker!!!
#11 2.8%
Get a pair of nail clippers and some tissues you butt picking Toe nail biter!
#12 1.8%
Ok your just sick you do all these things!!!
#13 0.9%
Butt Picker!!!
#14 0.9%
No comment.
#15 0.9%
Puke Drinker!!!
#16 0.9%
Toe Nail bitter and Butt Picker!!!
#17 0.9%
Whew your normal, you dont do any of these thigns and you never have!!!!
#18 0.9%
You might want to look into professional help becuase your just a sick freak.
#19 0.0%
Man you must be hungry becasue your a Nose Picker Chomper, Toe Nail Bitter, Butt Picker Licker, Eye crust Eater, and Scab Muncher.
#20 0.0%
Nose Picker Chomper!!!
#21 0.0%
Nose and Butt Picker!!!
#22 0.0%
Puke Drinker and Eye crust eater!!!
#23 0.0%
Toe Nail Bitter!!!
#24 0.0%
You like to exercise your senses dont you. Well find another way besides Smelling your fartes and tasting your puke.
#25 0.0%
You must be uncomfortable alot you Butt and Nose picker.

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