Survey Says: Top what kind of anime girl are you? results, Anime Survey
The top 10 what kind of anime girl are you? results of 675 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for what kind of anime girl are you?.      

#1 22.8%
Orohime ayugai, outspoken, independent
#2 18.1%
Miru nasana, girly and bitchin'
#3 15.3%
ayame ishida, sporty and nice
#4 12.3%
kuromi sasagi, nice and kind
#5 9.0%
oromi inoe, lovely, attractive and sweet
#6 8.7%
naomi yamaha, timid and gentle
#7 5.6%
yukino haramisha, vain and frank
#8 3.7%
namiharu nasaga, emo
#9 2.7%
Mihare yuraii, sweet and kind
#10 1.8%
nishagami yunumi, very tough

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