Survey Says: Top What kind of fruit are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 12 What kind of fruit are you? results of 56 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What kind of fruit are you?.      

#1 48.2%
You're a Banana: Adventureous and Looking for Love!
#2 14.3%
You're a Blackberry: Capable of misleading even the smartest, always looking for a new challenge..
#3 8.9%
You're a Lemon: Not one of the happiest fruits in the basket, yet your sarcasm saves the day..!
#4 7.1%
You're a Grape: A bright, light piece of fruit with one flaw: you tend to let yourself become one with certain alcoholic beverages. . .
#5 7.1%
You're a Strawberry: Cute and sweet for those who can find you
#6 5.4%
You're a Passion Fruit: You might not be appealing at first sight, but once people get to know you better they'll fall like anvils for your exotic charms..
#7 3.6%
You're a Melon: Friendly, bighearted and bigboned you're a real treat to any kind of party..
#8 3.6%
You're a Pear: Always in for a good joke (even when nobody might be laughing) and holding on to the people who give you attention, sometimes a bit too much for their taste..
#9 1.8%
You're a Coconut: Hard to crack, but kind of soft too, from the inside.
#10 0.0%
You're a Peach!: Soft, smooth, sweet and jummy!
#11 0.0%
You're a Tangarine: You might consider yourself to be rather tiny, but at least you're healthy!
#12 0.0%
You're an Apple: Easily bruised, yet you're in no need for a doctor.. what a paradox!

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