Survey Says: Top Which Danger Mouse Character Are You? results, Television Survey
The top 6 Which Danger Mouse Character Are You? results of 272 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Danger Mouse Character Are You?.      

#1 31.6%
Danger Mouse: Bravery is your best quality, though your persistence is admirable as well; from your arch-nemesis to the average people you see day-by-day, you have to put up with a lot of crud! Despite this, you make up for that by being cool, smart, suave, and most of all determined. In short, you have the makings of a hero!
#2 21.7%
Colonol K: You stand in defense of all that's good and right, but don't get too excited- you're kind of forgetful, and chances are you're much older (I mean that in the BEST POSSIBLE way). You have good intentions, and that's probably your best quality yet; you may have another... if only we could remember it...
#3 19.9%
Penfold: You are the sheep to your counterpart's shepherd- in other words, you're a follower. You don't mind, though; you're too shy to be much of a leader, and you're also a bit cowardly. Just the same, when the stormclouds clear, you're always there for your friends, and that makes you pretty darn cool.
#4 11.0%
Baron Greenback: Well, aren't you proud of yourself? You are so evil! The only thoughts in your mind are for yourself and/or world domination. You MAY have a good quality- we just haven't found it yet.
#5 10.7%
Nero: You act tough/cool with your pals, but alone you can be quite vulnerable. Still, you manage to survive on your wits and cunning, so you are able to take care of yourself fairly well. The thing is, though, you're hardly ever alone; you prefer to stick with your friends, as sort of a "safety in numbers" kind of thing.
#6 5.1%
Stiletto: Maybe you're gullible or even desperate, but whatever the case, you do what your boss/"friend" tells you to do, no matter what consequences are involved. You might even think you're getting rewarded for it, but knowing your boss you may want to rethink that logic...

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