Survey Says: Top What Kind of Dork Are You? results, Entertainment Survey
The top 5 What Kind of Dork Are You? results of 63 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Kind of Dork Are You?.      

#1 52.4%
Spaz : Upgrading your computer, eating candy and watching infomercials are your favorite passtimes. Your style is bright and flashy and people either can't stand you or just keep you around for amusement.
#2 20.6%
Dweeb : You never made it for the football team, you even broke your wrist trying to take up saxaphone. And in between asthma attacks and allergic reactions you enjoy completing levels on Diablo.
#3 17.5%
Geek : Your smart. You know it, your parents know it, everyone at school knows it. And you flaunt it. Myst was you favorite game, Steve Martin is your favorite actor.
#4 7.9%
Dork : You are possibly the coolest of the five. You know people think you're a freak, and you can dig it. You know Sublime really became popular AFTER Bradley Knowell died.
#5 1.6%
Loser : No one will have sex with you but you don't seem to mind.

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