Survey Says: Top Which JSRF character are you? results, Video Games Survey
Video Games
The top 23 Which JSRF character are you? results of 2115 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which JSRF character are you?.      

#1 71.8%
Beat - You are cool, calm, collected, a little cocky, and do only what you can.
#2 7.1%
Boogie - You try to have a good time with your life
#3 6.5%
Immortal - Well... you're basically like a mummy.
#4 3.0%
Noise Tank - You like technolegy and if someone hates you, you try to take over their minds or take 'em out.
#5 2.9%
Cube - You're pretty much the goth of the group.
#6 2.7%
Hayashi - You are crazy, insane, destructive, and have a short fuse.
#7 2.3%
Clutch - Sneaky guy, eh? You try to get away with alot, but usually it ends up with you being found.
#8 1.7%
Rapid 99 - You're a little whore-y and slutty, no problem though
#9 0.9%
Corn - A self-styled genious and GG's leader
#10 0.7%
NT-3000 - You impersonate other people to get others mad
#11 0.2%
Combo - You like music, and have a way to prove it, when it comes to big, you got it all
#12 0.1%
Zero Beat - You tend to get away with alot and usually follow who's winning at the time
#13 0.0%
Doom Rider - You LOVE bikes! If you aren't in a biker gang, then you should be
#14 0.0%
Garam - ...FREAK! You have a unique style... did I mention you are a FREAK
#15 0.0%
Gum - When you want someone, you get them, then you break up with them
#16 0.0%
Jazz - You enjoy the finer things in life
#17 0.0%
Love Shocker - You get your hearts broken alot, but you try to get revenge.
#18 0.0%
Poison Jam - You're not very bright, but you make up for it in raw power.
#19 0.0%
Potts - You're small, but you make up for it with skillz and determination.
#20 0.0%
Rhyth - You're sort of happy-go-lucky, and someone like Yoyo might have a crush on someone like you
#21 0.0%
Rokkaku - You are probaly corrupted by money and want to end all freedom
#22 0.0%
Soda - You're very... tall. And you like to joke around and get bored easy.
#23 0.0%
Yoyo - Someone who lies alot

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