Survey Says: Top What Hogwart's Professor are you most like? results, Harry Potter Survey
Harry Potter
The top 16 What Hogwart's Professor are you most like? results of 561 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Hogwart's Professor are you most like?.      

#1 26.4%
Albus Dumbledore
#2 22.3%
Minerva McGonagall
#3 11.1%
Alastor Moody
#4 10.5%
Dolores Umbridge
#5 5.9%
Severus Snape
#6 4.6%
Gilderoy Lockhart
#7 2.9%
Remus Lupin
#8 2.7%
Pomona Sprout
#9 2.5%
Rubeus Hagrid
#10 2.3%
#11 2.1%
Poppy Pomfrey
#12 2.0%
Rolanda Hooch
#13 1.6%
Filius Flitwich
#14 1.4%
Argus Filch
#15 1.4%
Quirenius Quirrel
#16 0.4%
Sibyll Trelawny

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