Survey Says: Top Take this quiz and find out which BuONo member you resemble the most!~ results, Personality Survey
The top 3 Take this quiz and find out which BuONo member you resemble the most!~ results of 315 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Take this quiz and find out which BuONo member you resemble the most!~.      

#1 42.9%
You are like Momoko! You're the nice and cheery leader who is funny around everyone and always fronts your friendship group. You are happy around everyone and greet people with a huge smile! Everyone in your group probably looks up to you and respects everything you say!
#2 36.5%
Similar to Airi, you are the most talkative in your friendship group. You love talking and always have a nice smile that cheers everyone up when they need a friend. When you talk however, you just can't stop! Scary things REALLY freak you out and you detest them.
#3 16.8%
Like Miyabi, you have a strong voice and you are prasied for it. You have lots of confidence in yourself but sometimes you're the quiet one. Your nice smile is sometimes held back, but you are probably the most loved one in your friendship group! You stand out in your group because of your appearance.

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