Survey Says: Top Beverly Hillbillies Character Quiz results, Television Survey
The top 13 Beverly Hillbillies Character Quiz results of 796 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Beverly Hillbillies Character Quiz.      

#1 18.8%
Jed - a well doggie, hunting and dancing hillbilly man
#2 17.5%
EllieMay - a beautiful tomboy, critter lovin, hillbilly gal
#3 14.9%
Jethrena - a big, tall, strong, homely but sweet hill gal who is Jethro's sister
#4 12.4%
Dash Riprock- a handsome movie star who dates EllieMay
#5 9.4%
The Critters - Bessie the Monkey, Fairchild the Bear, Duke the Hound, Dogs, Cats, Pigs, Chickens etc
#6 8.8%
Granny - a feisty, snoopy, rebel lovin hillbilly old woman
#7 5.3%
Miss Jane - an underpaid slim, plain Jane, bank secretary who has a crush on Jethro
#8 3.6%
Jethro -a handsome, big dumb hillbilly who wants to be a spy
#9 2.6%
Mr. Drysdale - a money hungry Beverly Hills banker
#10 2.4%
Sonny Drysdale - the oldest college student in history who is Mr. Drysdale's stepson
#11 1.9%
This is not an answer, I have taken some liberties with the scoring to give each character a chance
#12 1.3%
Pearl - a hill woman relative from back home who loves and chases the fellows
#13 1.0%
Mrs. Drysdale - a society matron snob who wants to get rid of the hillbillies

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