Survey Says: Top Arc The Lad II Character Quiz! results, Role Playing Games Survey
Role Playing Games
The top 6 Arc The Lad II Character Quiz! results of 56 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Arc The Lad II Character Quiz!.      

#1 48.2%
Elc- The Hunter, Your a quiet person that can be strange at sometimes, but in a good, funny way.
#2 19.6%
Leiza- The Beastalker, You have throwing daggers to attack your enemies, shy, but a great fighter, you can talk to animals!
#3 14.3%
Shu-The Ninja, You are toatally badass, Shotguns and other heavy arms is your thing, your quick as a bat and you are usually never defeted, Good Job!
#4 12.5%
Gruga-The HUGE guy, Gruga is very kind hearted and only wears somthing like a Loin Cloth...Put some clothes on you sicko!
#5 3.6%
Sania-The Fortune Teller, Sania is a hot tempered 18 year old and cards is her weapon, I wouldnt F**k around with her!
#6 1.8%
Shante-The Barkeeper, You love to sing, You also have extreme healing powers, you are also a firm believer in what you beleive whats right.

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