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Military selectors, pages, etc.
The war in Ukraine started one year ago.
By Curt_Anderson
February 18, 2023 12:55 pm
Category: Military

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Does anybody have hope or expectations of a good outcome?

It's certainly not the two-week "special military operation" that Putin envisioned. The Ukrainian people were not waiting for Russia to "de-nazify" their country of the supposed Nazi Volodymyr Zelenskyy (who happens to be Jewish).

It's not going well for Russia. But it's not going well for Ukraine either. Besides their military losses, the Ukrainian civilians are victims of war crimes. It doesn't help that some Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene complain about our support of Ukraine.

Despite the relative Ukrainian success in defending their country, I cannot see a good end to this war. Even though I am not especially hopeful, I believe it's important to support global democracy and fight authoritarianism. I also believe that this conflict is the first "good war" since WWII.

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Comments on "The war in Ukraine started one year ago.":

  1. by islander on February 18, 2023 2:20 pm

    IMO I think the war will probably end in a manner similar to our wars in Viet Nam and Afghanistan, although I doubt it will last as long as either of them.

    When a you invade another country where the majority of the population is willing to fight and die for their homeland as the Ukrainian people appear to be doing, you can never ‘win” the war unless you are willing to do ruthlessly inhumane and absolutely abhorrent things to its population in order to completely crush them. That is something we were not prepared to do and I don’t think Russia is prepared to do so either. Especially in today's world with the world watching and supporting the Ukrainians.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on February 18, 2023 5:12 pm
    " can never ‘win” the war unless you are willing to do ruthlessly inhumane and absolutely abhorrent things to its population in order to completely crush them. That is something we were not prepared to do and I don’t think Russia is prepared to do so either." --Islander

    I wish I shared your optimism. The Russians appear to be already doing abhorrent things to the Ukrainians. I believe that Putin thinks that losing this war is worse than global condemnation.

    Incidentally, gets a few thousand visits from Russians every month, not that my site matters. But there are other western sites besides this one. So evidently it's not as if the Russians have no view of the outside world. They must be able to see sources of news, opinions and information besides whatever Putin, Pravda and RT permits. My only hope is a slim one. That is the Russian people loudly protest the war and refuse to participate.

  3. by Ponderer on February 18, 2023 6:15 pm

    "Does anybody have hope or expectations of a good outcome?" -Curt

    At the "end" of this hostility, I don't see a pretty picture. Ukraine will have suffered and sacrificed so much. Their country will be in shambles.

    But it will still be theirs. And considering the alternative, I think even the Ukrainians will look at that as a good outcome.

    " I also believe that this conflict is the first "good war" since WWII." -Curt

    I whole heartily concur, Curt.

  4. by islander on February 19, 2023 12:16 pm

    I wish I shared your optimism. The Russians appear to be already doing abhorrent things to the Ukrainians. I believe that Putin thinks that losing this war is worse than global condemnation. ~ Curt

    By abhorrent things I don't mean anything like what we are seeing now, I mean the wholesale slaughter of civilians and the destruction of entire cities,
    ultimately through the use of tactical nuclear weapons and/or WMD. I don't think Russia can win this war otherwise. At some point the cost to Russia and its people will far outweigh anything they can hope to gain by destroying and trying to occupying Ukraine.

    I don't think the fear of global condemnation itself would be or is much of a deterrent but the very real threat of a military confrontation certainly would be. The West is already united and NATO has been strengthened to the point that Sweden and Finland, long time holdouts, have applied for and will be accepted into NATO. Something Russia has always feared. The Ukrainian people know what they are fighting for...their very survival. The majority of the Russian people don't really know why they are fighting, but I think they do know that they can simply declare "mission accomplished", pull out and put an end to the terrible price they themselves are paying. But of course in this kind of situation anything can happen...Especially the completely unexpected.

  5. by Donna on February 19, 2023 12:33 pm

    I think there's potential for the Ukraine War to devolve into WW3, as neither side is likely to concede anything or give up. It could even go nuclear, even by accident.

  6. by oldedude on February 19, 2023 8:38 pm
    Like I have said several times before, the doctrine of Russia is to use chemical weapons as a "conventional weapon" system. Sarin seems to be their favorite right now, but they've been known to use choking agents (phosgene is cheap to make and accessible) to get people NOT to hold their breaths and breathe the nerve agent. Another possibility is Trichothecene, not openly used much, but extremely effective. Once deployed, it has a 24-hour lifespan, so Russian troops can come in the next day. What do you have left? Skeletons. The machinery is unaffected, so are power plants, water purification, etcetcetc. With a 100% kill rate, be sure to watch for it in small areas first to see what the US says about it.

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