Survey Says: Top What Discworld Character are you? results, Books Survey
The top 23 What Discworld Character are you? results of 298 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Discworld Character are you?.      

#1 28.2%
In Discworld you're An Auditor
#2 10.1%
In Discworld you're Agnes Nitt / Perdita X
#3 8.7%
In Discworld you're Granny Weatherwax
#4 8.1%
In Discworld you're Death
#5 4.7%
In Discworld you're Nanny Ogg
#6 4.4%
In Discworld you're Susan
#7 4.0%
In Discworld you're Captian Carrot
#8 4.0%
In Discworld you're Commander Vimes
#9 4.0%
In Discworld you're Rincewind
#10 4.0%
In Discworld you're Ronnie Soak (Chaos)
#11 3.4%
In Discworld you're Famine
#12 2.7%
In Discworld you're Pestilance
#13 2.7%
In Discworld you're The Lady
#14 2.0%
In Discworld you're Fate
#15 2.0%
In Discworld you're Lobsang Ludd (Time)
#16 1.7%
In Discworld you're Blind Oh
#17 1.7%
In Discworld you're Quothe the Raven
#18 1.3%
In Discworld you're War
#19 1.0%
In Discworld you're Magrat
#20 0.7%
In Discworld you're Death of Rats
#21 0.3%
In Discworld you're Mort
#22 0.3%
In Discworld you're The Bursur
#23 0.0%
In Discworld you're Nobby

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