Survey Says: Top LOTR Warcry selector results, Lord of the Rings Survey
Lord of the Rings
The top 21 LOTR Warcry selector results of 101 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for LOTR Warcry selector.      

#1 28.7%
Elendil! You have every right to be proud of your lineage, so you celebrate it by shouting out the name of a distant relative. Genius. Wash your hair.
#2 18.8%
Mr. Frodo! Lucky you, you’re a comedy sidekick who spends all your time with the kid out of ‘North’. And everyone thinks you’re gay.
#3 10.9%
Orcs! Just like lovely Faramir, you have a tendency to voice what everyone else is thinking. Works for you, though, you delightfully enchanting individual, you. God, you’re pretty, if a little feminine.
#4 8.9%
They have a cave troll! Eloquent and calm in your war cry, you really will get a lot of good lines before your untimely death. Very British, whether you like it or not.
#5 5.9%
I can fight! Feeling a little underused? Yours is the call of the unappreciated. Go get yourself a man. Or whatever’s your thing.
#6 4.0%
If you want him, come and claim him! Your personal version of ‘come and have a go..’ bit of an over-reliance on Daddy, but you get the job done when you need to. And you totally know how to score.
#7 4.0%
Nazgul! You have a knack for stating the incredibly obvious, albeit very effectively. Your siblings get great lines too, but have a tendency to get a little overexcited.
#8 3.0%
An unbelievably high-pitched scream! Get you, all disembodied. Either that or someone kicked you in the groin. I’d lose the delusions of grandeur, since they’ll only get you set on fire.
#9 3.0%
So, it begins! Chilled, man. Even in the face of a definite battering, you’re disturbingly accepting of your fate. I admire your confidence. Or maybe you’re just stupid.
#10 3.0%
we are proud to fight alongside men once more! By the time you’ve got that out someone’s made castanets out of your skull. Serves you right, you prissy transformer. Gold is not your colour.
#11 2.0%
To War! Good call, Vlad. You’re really brave miles from the battle, with ten thousand warriors at your beckon call. Bet you’ve got great teeth.
#12 2.0%
it’s mine! Ooh, tough luck, you’re Bilbo, grabby grabby oldie fogy. I’d take the test again, if I were you.
#13 1.0%
Aragorn! You wimpy little wimp. Fight your own battles, ringdropper. This war cry may also be achieved by falling over.
#14 1.0%
Az naz gimbatul! Bitch. You probably started the fight, you root of all evil, you.
#15 1.0%
Precious! Schizophrenia, anyone? You are clearly as nutty as a fruitcake, as befits your bizarre malformed little body. But you’ll never be lonely while the voices stick around.
#16 1.0%
Toss me! Quite the little headcase, aren’t we? Aww, bless you the short distance down to your bushy ginger beard and desperate wish to spend all your time with people who are much more attractive than you.
#17 1.0%
You shall not pass! And neither will you. A change really is as good as a rest.
#18 1.0%
all shall love me and despair! Most effective of combined with a light and shadow show. Your mood swings are to be avoided at all costs.
#19 0.0%
For the Shire! The fight is THIS WAY. Living evidence for the existence of doppelgangers, you’re practically indistinguishable from your best friend. That goes for your mate, too.
#20 0.0%
Rohirrim! In fine Yankee tradition, you have a talent for sweeping in at the last minute and taking all the credit. Hats suit you. Seriously.
#21 0.0%
Tangado haid! Leithio I philinn! Always punctual, you’re handy to have around in a crisis. However, you do have a tendency to talk an awful lot of rubbish.

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