Survey Says: Top What Character In The Story Are You? results, Weird Survey
The top 9 What Character In The Story Are You? results of 75 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Character In The Story Are You?.      

#1 42.7%
The Love Interest-You are seemingly contradictory, yet in actuality, you lack moderation. That's your problem.
#2 16.0%
Wise One-You are diverse, with moderates and extremes. Due to your diverse nature, you seek extremism by choice, perhaps to avoid being confused. And that you are not.
#3 9.3%
The Other Hero, who often fights at another front, but is key in the final fate-Complex is the word for you. A blend of types 1,2,8 and a little bit o' seven. You like to show off but are shy when dealing with only a few people. Showmanship, not outreach.
#4 6.7%
Ruler-You are generous, but personally. You do not seek to force others to adopt this value. You tend to be calm.
#5 5.3%
Hero-You move around a lot. Constant in your values but flexible in your practices, you are the classic protagonist. People like you. You don't ooze charisma; with you, it is subtle and pleasant. Run for office.
#6 5.3%
Servant of Villain, emotionally abused and converts in the end-You are not adaptable, but moldaple. People shape you for their own desires. You prefer not to make the decision yourself.
#7 5.3%
Traveler, who is met repeatedly in various locations, often heralding news-You are adaptable. Not inherently diverse, but adopting many features when necessary. Moderation is often your method, because extremism is a bad decision for you.
#8 5.3%
Villain-You are angry and stubborn. Tempermental, easily infuriated, you always take things personally, but are not emotionally wounded by an insult. Rather, the fact that someone would DARE to insult/cros YOU is upsetting. In for power and revenge, your slever tendencies will allow you to disguise this nature with your friends. You probably fought/ fight with your parents.
#9 4.0%
Common Man, the character met early on who later reappears to fight the final battle- You are a sentimentalist. You're probably a liberal. You yield to others in personal situations and fight against gargantuan entities.

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