Survey Says: Top jerry springer show selector results, Television Survey
The top 10 jerry springer show selector results of 26 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for jerry springer show selector.      

#1 76.9%
you're a lesbian
#2 15.4%
you live in a trailerpark
#3 3.8%
you want your pimp/prostitute lover to give up their job, or you're normal as hell. really.
#4 3.8%
you're a transvestite stripper
#5 0.0%
you married a cousin
#6 0.0%
you're a 500 pound exhibitionist
#7 0.0%
you're a KKK member also having an affair
#8 0.0%
you're an effeminate man AND/OR a ho /OR/ slutty 12 year old girl
#9 0.0%
you're cheating on your bisexual lover with his/her sibling
#10 0.0%
you're pregnant but you don't know who's the daddy

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