Survey Says: Top Which Ring of Destruction (Slam Masters 2) character are you? results, Wrestling Survey
The top 14 Which Ring of Destruction (Slam Masters 2) character are you? results of 143 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Ring of Destruction (Slam Masters 2) character are you?.      

#1 18.9%
Biff Slamkovich "The Rocking Ruskie"
#2 13.3%
Mike Haggar
#3 12.6%
The Scorpion
#4 9.8%
Alexander The "Grater"
#5 9.1%
#6 7.7%
Rip Saber
#7 7.7%
The Great Oni
#8 6.3%
Black Widow
#9 4.2%
Victor Ortega
#10 3.5%
The Wraith
#11 3.5%
Titanic Tim
#12 2.1%
El Stingray
#13 1.4%
Jumbo "Flap" Jack
#14 0.0%
King Rasta "Mon"

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