Survey Says: Top Which non-movie Fellowship of the Ring character are you? results, Lord of the Rings Survey
Lord of the Rings
The top 9 Which non-movie Fellowship of the Ring character are you? results of 68 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which non-movie Fellowship of the Ring character are you?.      

#1 30.9%
Tom Bombadil: Master of the Woods, older then time, and utterly forgotten by Peter Jackson
#2 16.2%
Fatty Bolger: The hobbit nobody knows about, left behind to deal with the unpleasent happenings in the Shire
#3 16.2%
Radagast the Brown: A gullible Istari who spends his time with the birdies
#4 13.2%
Goldberry: Tom Bombadil's beautiful wife, and daughter of the river
#5 10.3%
Old Man Willow: Ancient and rotten to the core
#6 5.9%
Glorfindel: An elf-lord with a trip or two to the halls of Mandos under his belt
#7 2.9%
Nob and Bob: Come to these two hobbits if you're seeking sevice in Bree
#8 2.9%
Rúmil and Orophin: The often overlooked younger brothers of Haldir
#9 1.5%
The Barrow-Wights: Evil and undead, with a disturbing fetish for treasure

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