Survey Says: Top What's You Anime Blood Type? results, Anime Survey
The top 5 What's You Anime Blood Type? results of 1640 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What's You Anime Blood Type?.      

#1 40.1%
You like the sweetsy stuff. Anything with a lable of '5 and older' or '3 and older' is a good choice.
#2 30.4%
Still innocent, but you are poking into the badder stuff. Anything with a lable of '8 and older' to '13 and older' would suit you.
#3 17.1%
Your bad if your under 18. If your not, you don't like adult stuff. Anything with a '16 and older' lable would be cool.
#4 9.9%
You're just naughty. '18 and up' for you! E-mail me, K?
#5 2.5%
Your bad if you are under 13. If not, you like the younger anime. Anything with '13 and older' and '16 and older' is good for you.

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