Survey Says: Top Which Frat Member Are You? results, Friends & Roommates Survey
Friends & Roommates
The top 5 Which Frat Member Are You? results of 37 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Frat Member Are You?.      

#1 59.5%
Dan- our favorite New Yorker, co-master of the Frat House
#2 18.9%
Matt- Where's my fur hat? Ahhhhh!!!
#3 10.8%
Andy- Ninja Extraordinaire, co-master of the Frat House
#4 8.1%
Lynn- Ya'll don't ACTUALLY think 'ah have an accent?!
#5 2.7%
Kristin! - Without her grounding influence, the rest of us would all be locked up! Unless it involves a Disney movie...

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