Survey Says: Top Which of me friends r u? results, Friends & Roommates Survey
Friends & Roommates
The top 16 Which of me friends r u? results of 40 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which of me friends r u?.      

#1 57.5%
James Le Maitre: U r always wanting to make new friends! Ur generally friendly.
#2 12.5%
Emma Mallon: You are someone good to tell secrets to.
#3 5.0%
John Fernandez: You are always happy. You are always making the good things come out of situations. You are annoying as hell.
#4 5.0%
Robbie Le Messurier: You laugh at peoples misfortune repeatedly. But you can talk to him about anything you want really.
#5 2.5%
Andy Antill: You are small but stand ur ground. Untill Eti Picks you up. You seem to have a slave around you at all times.
#6 2.5%
Emy Jaques: Youre friendly to everyone. You always put your frends before yourself.
#7 2.5%
Eti Albin: You always know what you are doing. Somehow your way always works. You are seriously clever.
#8 2.5%
Joe Le Page: You dont take crap from anyone. You seem very quiet.
#9 2.5%
Mog Clark: You are always hyper around anybody even if you dont know who they are.
#10 2.5%
Sam Edwards: You always take the blame for other people. U r constantly funny and great to be around.
#11 2.5%
Sophie Skillet: You are very friendly and tend to be in the middle of the conversation.
#12 2.5%
Tom Russell: You are always with somebody. You get on with anybody and everybody.
#13 0.0%
#14 0.0%
Chris Ferry: You are always funny. Claire is always poking you in the face. .
#15 0.0%
Claire Bichard: You tend to cheer people up, and make them feel better again.
#16 0.0%
Jonny Ferry: You are a great friend to be around and you are best at being hyper.

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