Survey Says: Top Which one of my multiple personalities are you? results, Personality Survey
The top 7 Which one of my multiple personalities are you? results of 444 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which one of my multiple personalities are you?.      

#1 25.9%
Me (extremist, escapist, stubborn, cynical, implusive)
#2 22.3%
Theron (patient, calm, gentle, present, a good-listner, innocent)
#3 21.2%
Aoshi (driven, stoic, obssessive, motivated- RK)
#4 11.5%
Irvine Kinneas (flirty, sexy, cocky, misunderstood-FFVIII)
#5 9.9%
Kaoru (depressed paralysis, insecure, naive-Rk)
#6 7.0%
Arthur Rimbaud (sadistic, extremist, tormented genius, anti-religion)
#7 2.3%
Misao (loyal, feisty, loud, typical teenage girl, stubborn-Rk)

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