Survey Says: Top The God Land Bishoujo Selector results, Anime Survey
The top 4 The God Land Bishoujo Selector results of 32 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for The God Land Bishoujo Selector.      

#1 75.0%
SAMHAIN, the Goddess of Death! Don't let her title fool you, she's as hyper, happy and optimistic as they come... and rather submissive. But she won't take your crap, you playboys of the world, and she's armed with sharp objects and loads of pepper spray.
#2 9.4%
DEVI, the Goddess of Evil! Think Naaga meets Urd who then meets Kiryuu Nanami. This chick knows how to knock 'em dead. Her attitude and lack of commitment may be her only downfalls, and don't be surprised if you catch her with your best friend and she thinks nothin of it.
#3 3.1%
Wow! What a lucky man! You get GLADWIN, the God of Teddybears posing as LIPPONIA, the god of Lipstick! He's after you, Pyralis. And he won't stop untill he *gets* you...
#4 0.0%
CETHLION, the Goddess of Terror and Fear! You like the quiet type? This is the one for you. While she may not be all too keen on hanging around with the group, she'd probably like a quiet evening alone between the two of you. Work on your exxagerated screaming skills, men. There's nothing that would make her happier than giving you a fright.

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