Survey Says: Top What Female Chrono Cross character are you? results, Video Games Survey
Video Games
The top 18 What Female Chrono Cross character are you? results of 113 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Female Chrono Cross character are you?.      

#1 30.1%
Poshul- A cute and fluffy doglike creature.
#2 19.5%
Riddel- Very mysterious.
#3 10.6%
Luccia- A brilliant scientist who uses people you as her guinea-pig when she first meets you...some introduction?
#4 8.8%
Harle- Mysterious and powerful with magic...what else can I say?
#5 8.0%
Kid- An annoying little brat who always gets what she wants, you tell her she can't join your party, she'll follow you anyways...
#6 6.2%
Sprigg- A kind old lady who lives by herself in another dimension and is part dwarf or something...
#7 4.4%
Leena- A sweet and genorous young lady who has been friends with the main character, Serge, since childhood, She begins to worry when Serge begins to become distant...
#8 3.5%
Steena- A mysterious yet helpful priest.
#9 2.7%
Janice-Dresses in a bunny suit?
#10 1.8%
Marcy- An annoying little brat that hates you, loathes you, abhores you, and anything else that has to do with hatred.
#11 1.8%
Miki- Is a female singer who is Just a little too slutty.
#12 0.9%
Leah- A cute, prehistoric little girl whose family mysteriously disapeared...
#13 0.9%
Orlha- An ambitious young lady who mysteriously loses her twin sister.
#14 0.9%
Razly- A cute little fairy.
#15 0.0%
Irenes- Her family's past is mixed up and confusing making her a very mysterious yet ambitious per-...mermaid.
#16 0.0%
Macha- Mother of Mel, she can be quite scary at times.
#17 0.0%
Mel- An annoying little brat.
#18 0.0%
Neofio- A tiny creature that is part plant...

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