Survey Says: Top What Kinda Crook Are You? results, Crime Survey
The top 10 What Kinda Crook Are You? results of 2771 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Kinda Crook Are You?.      

#1 44.6%
Jimmy Markum (Mystic River)
#2 25.7%
Don Corleone (The Godfather)
#3 11.7%
Turkish (Snatch)
#4 6.2%
Al Capone
#5 4.5%
Henry Hill (Goodfellas)
#6 4.1%
Tommy Vercetti (GTA Vice City)
#7 1.8%
Tony Montana (Scarface)
#8 0.8%
Vincent Vega (Pulp Fiction)
#9 0.4%
Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver)
#10 0.2%
Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

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