Survey Says: Top Which kind of Christmas Spirit do you have? results, Weird Survey
The top 7 Which kind of Christmas Spirit do you have? results of 297 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which kind of Christmas Spirit do you have?.      

#1 26.6%
Familiar : ''Family reunited, old people distant physically, but not in heart, together again. This is happiness!"
#2 25.9%
Childish : ''Santa will come! And if the boring adults don't believe, stick your tongue to them!"
#3 19.5%
Miraculous : ''Once in a year, people decide to just love those around them, and to actually try to work together. No matter my religion (or lack of), can’t I just be happy because of that?"
#4 8.4%
Alienated : ''Christmas? What Christmas?"
#5 8.4%
Materialist : ''Gifts! Gifts! Gifts!"
#6 6.4%
Religious : ''Materialist and pagan references may undermine the true spirit of Christmas, but none of this will change the fact that this is time to rejoice! It’s Christ birthday!"
#7 4.7%
Grinch : ''Christmas? Desperate parents warring each other in overcrowded malls to get the latest super mercantile trinket for their shouting kids. Humpft!"

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