Survey Says: Top Personality Types results, Music Survey
The top 4 Personality Types results of 44 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Personality Types.      

#1 79.5%
Melancholic (Beaver)~ Beavers are detail-oriented people, thinkers, creative, but are also prone to depression. They are analytical by nature and are more introverted, preferring predictability and seriousness. Their favorite type of humor is generally word-plays and logical humor.
#2 9.1%
Phlegmatic (Dog)~ Dogs are loyal, the "nice" people. They dislike change, and are generally in the background cheering everyone else on. They empathize with people easily, are good listeners and try to avoid a confrontation at all costs.
#3 2.3%
Choleric (Lion)~ Lions are aggressive, "get-things-done" type people. They see a problem and they fix it; they are impatient and in charge-- the "Type A" personality. They are generally outspoken and dislike weakness.
#4 0.0%
Sanguine (Otter)~ Otters are fun-loving and risk-taking. They are extremely expressive and enjoy the spotlight; they enjoy being with people, and they have a gift for persuasion. Their greatest enemy is boredom. Their favorite humor is generally slap-stick.

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