Survey Says: Top Fighting Style Character Selector results, Weird Survey
The top 10 Fighting Style Character Selector results of 100 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Fighting Style Character Selector.      

#1 27.0%
Deathbound- You're quite fast at moving around, but you have not magical ability. You're a good swordsman, a good marksman & have your fair share of technology. However, speed & agility remain your greatest asset. Some may start calling you a rocket. Unfortunately, you still need to conquer your fears, but you're almost there.
#2 27.0%
Silver Fang- You are a great swordsman, an average marksman & quite skilled in magics (mainly fire & teleportation). You aren't evil, but you're slightly insane & kill your enemies brutally, whilst remaining very loyal to your friends. You are a powerful all-rounder, but leant more towards speed & agility more than anything else. Your fears, uh, nothing, especially not death.
#3 12.0%
Death- A master of stealth & magic. In the darkness you are almost invisible to the eye, & if thats not enough, you are extremely powerful in the art of magic. You are also extremely wise & intelligent, so you'll likely outsmart your enemies.
#4 7.0%
Aspelius: You're THE all-rounder. A telekinetic, a strong swordsman, a good marksman, & you wear a suit of robotic armour. You're only weakness is that you lack speed, but you make up for it in toughness & raw strength. You're powerful. It's likely you'll be superior to others. You rely on your technology more than any of your other fighting qualities.
#5 7.0%
Bane- You rely on guns, but your a physically strong & tough person. However, your guns are assault weapons, not too effective at long distances. You also use explosives, & are good at stealth, especially in places such as jungles or woods. Like Rambo i guess.
#6 7.0%
Gillius- A raw powerhouse. You are big, you have a big club & a big gun. Technology may not be too much of an asset to you (ignore the big gun, it was given to you) but you are extremely tough, extemely strong, but unfortunately, your pretty dumb.
#7 4.0%
Wiul- You have no weakness when it comes to close combat. You are a pure evil monstrous slaughterer & spare no one, & magic barely hurts you. You are almost invincible.
#8 3.0%
Kaiser- You rely mainly on technology & your advanced robotic suit. You have a big sword, a nice gun & specially made explosives. You have no magic, but you're suit has it all. And no, you're not Iron Man, your too evil to be him. Plus Iron Man doesn't have a big sword.
#9 3.0%
Taelon- You are a sorcerer to the core. You're evil, but not a slaughterer. You give others the option to join you or die painfully, & quite frankly, you enjoy killing them painfully. Nobody escapes your wrath.
#10 3.0%
Zang- You are a good marksman, & nobody does it better when shooting at look distances, especially with sniper weaponry. However, when the enemy gets up close, you better run or you'll find yourself cut into two or impaled. As long as you keep your distance, you're untouchable.

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