Survey Says: Top Which UnRequited: A Love Story character are you? results, Anime Survey
The top 8 Which UnRequited: A Love Story character are you? results of 405 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which UnRequited: A Love Story character are you?.      

#1 34.6%
Aurora - Caring and loving, you're the kind of person to closely watch after your loved ones and make sure they are always happy. You tend to take the troubles of others onto your own shoulders so long as it makes others smile.
#2 24.4%
Mistress Mortis - Cool, collected, and quiet, you're the type to sit back and relax but step in if and ONLY if they begin to get out of hand.
#3 15.1%
Midnight - The ultimate symbol of darkness, evil, and cruelty. You would rather discard all feeling than deal with the weakness of emotions and you're more than happy to rip someone's throat out for looking at you funny.
#4 9.4%
Umbra - Hopeful and happy, you're the kind of person who rejoices in life and savors every moment of your fun-filled euphoria. You cherish your feelings, and are happy and optimistic.
#5 6.9%
Elise - Hopeful, energetic, and loyal, you're a lover not a fighter. You give all your heart to something or someone and sometimes overlook the unsavory bits for the good you see in him/her/it. You love unconditionally, and you don't compromise when it comes to those you care for.
#6 5.2%
Armos - Powerful, demanding, and charismatic, you're used to getting what you want when you want it with nothing more than a smirk or a threat. No one can hold you back from your desires, and if they try, you'll put them into the ground for good.
#7 3.5%
Deus - Distant and all-seeing, you look at the big picture with calculating eyes. You are the type to sit back and calmly guide events towards an inevitable outcome.
#8 1.0%
The Ethereal Ones - Silent, aloof, and distant, you're the type to never get involved period. It's not your problem until someone directly attacks you or your property and even then it's up for debate if you'll take action.

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