Survey Says: Top What tough guy are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 5 What tough guy are you? results of 137 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What tough guy are you?.      

#1 29.9%
Aram - You are the happy go lucky Tinker that foreswore the Way of the Leaf to become one of the best swordsmen around. You're constant brooding and dark mood make people think twice before approaching you or the person you protect. Fiercely loyal. Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time"
#2 26.3%
Lan Mandragoran - You are the silent, but deadly blademaster and king of lost Malkier. Your fight against the dark side is your reason for living. Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time"
#3 24.1%
Gerald Tarrant - You are the fearsome magic wielding Hunter from C.S. Friedman's "Coldfire Trilogy"
#4 16.1%
Snake - You are the legendary hero and slayer of Metal Gears. You are the best at what you do.
#5 3.6%
Moridin - You are basically death-made-flesh and evil's right hand man. People wonder if you are insane only when you're out of earshot.

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