Survey Says: Top What is your inner age?? results, Weird Survey
The top 6 What is your inner age?? results of 724 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What is your inner age??.      

#1 27.6%
16. Your the maturest! You probably have gone out or want to. You have your license, and will go to the mall almost everyday!
#2 26.0%
12. You are on top of the Pre-teen stage. Next year you'll be teen acting. This year will be a long one!
#3 15.9%
14. Your in middle school.You want to go out and maybe have. You wish you were older but your not.
#4 15.6%
10. Your almost Pre-teen! You still get treated like a baby sometimes but you don't really care.
#5 12.2%
11. Your maturing starts. Hopefully ; ) get ready!
#6 2.8%
8. Your still a kid. Try to grow up a little!

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