Survey Says: Top What is your Dueling Skill? results, Anime Survey
The top 3 What is your Dueling Skill? results of 30 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What is your Dueling Skill?.      

#1 73.3%
Duh, Unhappy Maiden attacks Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!- Sorry to tell you, but I think you need quite a bit more practice before you think about entering any tournaments. Take my advice, stick to Pokemon Cards!
#2 13.3%
I summon the Thousand-Eyes Restrict! - Well well, it seems that you know almost everything you need to know about the game. Enter a tournament if you get the chance, and see how well you can do!
#3 0.0%
Umm, Blue Eyes White Dragon attacks Buster Blader - Well, you know enough about Duel Monsters to play by, but you still have some things to learn about the game. Try entering a few tournaments, and playing lots of different people to get practice with different type of decks.

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