Survey Says: Top How Do You Rate With Carrie Heffernan from the King of Queens tv show? results, Personality Survey
The top 10 How Do You Rate With Carrie Heffernan from the King of Queens tv show? results of 232 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for How Do You Rate With Carrie Heffernan from the King of Queens tv show?.      

#1 18.1%
Carrie's Best Male Friend - You joke & have fun together
#2 14.7%
Carrie's Best Female Friend - You talk, laugh & cry together
#3 12.5%
Carrie's Partner in Crime - You are always ready for mischief
#4 12.1%
Carrie's Worst Enemy - You always bring out her latin temper
#5 10.3%
Carrie's Shopping Pal - You always know the best & hippest places to shop
#6 9.9%
Carrie's Dream Man - You're the one she dreams about
#7 8.2%
Carrie's Party Animal - You take her to the coolest clubs
#8 6.5%
Carrie's Sexy Lover - You're too hot to handle but she's up for the challenge
#9 5.6%
Carrie's Stalker - You follow her & spy on her every move
#10 2.2%
Carrie's Rescuer - You always bail her out of trouble

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