Horror Poll: Which Gashlycrumb Tiny Death is yours? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Horror Poll: Which Gashlycrumb Tiny Death is yours? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
HorrorHorror Poll: Which Gashlycrumb Tiny Death is yours?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Which Gashlycrumb Tiny Death is yours?" by thren.

Choose from this list:

AMY who fell down the stairs

BASIL assaulted by bears

CLARA who wasted away

DESMOND thrown out of a sleigh

ERNEST who choked on a peach

FANNY sucked dry by a leech

GEORGE smothered under a rug

HECTOR done in by a thug

JAMES who took lye by mistake

KATE who was struck by an axe

Leo who swallowed some tacks

MAUDE who was swept out to sea

NEVILLE who died of ennui

OLIVE run through with an awl

PRUE trampled flat in a brawl

QUENTIN who sank in the mire

RHODA consumed by a fire

SUSAN who perished of fits

TITUS who flew into bits

UNA who slipped down a drain

VICTOR squashed by a train

WINNIE embedded in ice

XERXES devoured by mice

YORRICK whose head was knocked in

ZILLAH who drank too much gin


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