Religion Poll: What Nordic deity is your patron? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Religion Poll: What Nordic deity is your patron? Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
ReligionReligion Poll: What Nordic deity is your patron?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "What Nordic deity is your patron?" by Ajax.

Choose from this list:

Tyr - God of War and Victory

Nerthus - Earth Goddess

Hel - Goddess of the Underworld

Odin - God of Wisdom and Magic

Braggi - God of Poetry

Heimdall - God of Heaven

Loki - God of Trickery

Thor - God of Thunder and Protection

Norns - Goddesses of Destiny

Sif - Goddess of Kinship and Peace weaving

Frigga - Goddess of Motherhood and Home

Frey - God of Fertility and Wealth

Ran - God of the Deep Sea and Sailors

Aegir - God of the Sea

Njord - God of the Seashore and Wealth

Weyland - God of Smiths

Freya - Goddess of Love, Fertility and Magic

Ullr - God of Hunting

Skadi - Goddess of Mountains and Skiing

Holda - Goddess of Winter, Children and Spinning

Eostre - Goddess of spring

Sunna - Goddess of the Sun

Mani - God of the Moon

Idunna - Goddess of Youth and Innocence

Forseti - God of Justice


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