Survey Says: Top What girl in our class do you like? results, Weird Survey
The top 15 What girl in our class do you like? results of 55 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What girl in our class do you like?.      

#1 38.2%
Cherise (Sporty. You don't exactly want to get on her bad side)
#2 10.9%
Aimee (Weirdo! Was caught by her principal pretending to hitch hike)
#3 9.1%
Garrison (Not a girl? ...Hehehe...)
#4 9.1%
Nina (She may be a goody-good but shes still fun to be with)
#5 9.1%
Rachel (Sporty and just as competive as Cherise but somewhat shy)
#6 7.3%
Amanda (Gossipy but has strict parents)
#7 5.5%
Cassandra (Shy and artistic but not in the least bit sporty)
#8 3.6%
Andrea ( Sporty and kind of odd but she doesn't care what you think)
#9 3.6%
Savannah (Has a good lookin butt or at least thats what she says, she doesn't care what you think)
#10 1.8%
Emily (Sporty but not quite as competive as Cherise. Really outgoing but kind of a weirdo...)
#11 1.8%
Laura (Big mouth! But really fun to talk to)
#12 0.0%
Brittany (Not in our class but I was running out of people She thinks shes all that and she thinks all guys worship her... Wow alittle conceited now aren't we?)
#13 0.0%
Lily (gossipy and loves horses)
#14 0.0%
Madison (Really girly but her bad side is worse than Cherise's and she takes kicking lessons!)
#15 0.0%
Wow you must be pretty lonely...

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