Survey Says: Top Rugrats-What Character Are You? results, Television Survey
The top 13 Rugrats-What Character Are You? results of 75 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Rugrats-What Character Are You?.      

#1 26.7%
Tommy-You are very brave and kind. You love to help others and you try your very best.
#2 16.0%
Lil-You are very nice and cute. You are sometimes gross, but always very happy.
#3 14.7%
Suzie-You are a very practical person. You want people to know the truth about everything, even if it may be bad.
#4 13.3%
Charles- You are a person who keeps your head up when things ge hard, even if it turn out to be even worse then you expected.
#5 12.0%
Chuckie- You are not brave at all and you are very shy. But you are also kind and loving.
#6 10.7%
Betty- You love to excercize and your are very spiritual. You stand up for the female gender!
#7 5.3%
Angelica-You are somewhat bossy, and mean, yet sometimes, you are very funny.
#8 1.3%
Didi- You are very mother-like. Try no to let that motheringness turn into a bossy person!
#9 0.0%
Charlote- You are a very business like person. You love technology, espscially cell phones.
#10 0.0%
Drew- You are a kind person who loves your family very much. You try to help other people as much as you can.
#11 0.0%
Lou-You are a kind, old person, who is very kind and giving.
#12 0.0%
Phil-You are silly, but also very kind. You are sometimes gross, but always put a smile on people's faces.
#13 0.0%
Stu- You work VERY hard and try you best, always, even if the end result was not what you were expecting.

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