Survey Says: Top What kind of friend are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 12 What kind of friend are you? results of 37 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What kind of friend are you?.      

#1 54.1%
The Perfect Friend:Who wouldn't want you as a friend
#2 18.9%
A very, very good friend, would do anything for friends.
#3 16.2%
Very good friend...always there
#4 8.1%
Almost perfect friend, but very good
#5 2.7%
The funny one, every group needs one
#6 0.0%
Average...good and bad.
#7 0.0%
Hard to get along with
#8 0.0%
The worst friend, you are like a poser
#9 0.0%
They like you as a friend and really won't want to hang out a lot.
#10 0.0%
Trying to be the best friend you can be....
#11 0.0%
You don't talk much which makes you lose some friends.
#12 0.0%
You're working on your friends liking you

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