Survey Says: Top Xiaolin Showdown Character Match results, Anime Survey
The top 7 Xiaolin Showdown Character Match results of 6796 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Xiaolin Showdown Character Match.      

#1 29.8%
Dojo (the helpful dragon)
#2 20.4%
Omi (The do-good water monk)
#3 13.8%
Raimundo (the rebellious wind master)
#4 10.9%
Jack Spicer (the evil-wannabe boy genius)
#5 10.4%
Kimiko (the hot-tempered fire master)
#6 8.6%
Clay (Earth controlling cowboy)
#7 6.0%
Wuya (the evil ghost/witch)

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