Survey Says: Top The Adventures of Tintin: A quiz results, Comics Survey
The top 25 The Adventures of Tintin: A quiz results of 1374 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for The Adventures of Tintin: A quiz.      

#1 19.5%
Abdullah: Bratty, six year old prankster son of Emir Ben Azab.
#2 16.7%
Cuthbert Calculus: Absent-minded, deaf professor. Lives with Tintin. The character was inspired by Swiss scientist Auguste Piccard (1884-1962).
#3 8.8%
General Alcazar: Strong jawed soldier involved in banana republic revolutions when he is not performing as a vaudeville knife thrower.
#4 7.1%
Chong-chen Chang: Orphan that Tintin rescued from a flood and later from a plane crash. One of Tintin's closest friends. Has a psychic bond with Tintin. The character is based upon a real friend of Hergé.
#5 6.9%
Captain Chester: An old seadog friend of Captain Haddock.
#6 6.6%
Bianca Castafiore: “The Milanese Nightingale”, opera star friend. Has a "thing" for Capt. Haddock.
#7 6.0%
Al Capone: Only character in the series named for and based on a real person. Al "Scarface" Capone (1899-1947), the notorious gangster, ruled crime-ridden Chicago in the 1920's.
#8 3.9%
Tintin: Our young hero looks to be about 14, does not spend time at the typewriter nor does he file stories, yet somehow he became a world-renowned journalist. He packs light, yet never seems to lack for necessities. Quite possibly, Robert Séxé, a war correspondent, was Hergé's inspiration.
#9 3.6%
Captain Haddock: Good friend of Tintin, especially in later adventures. Actively retired naval captain with a drinking problem. Prone to fits of anger and expletives. Lives with Tintin.
#10 3.4%
Emir Ben Azab: Abdullah’s father.
#11 3.0%
Nestor: Tintin and Captain Haddock's butler. Formerly employed by the bad Bird brothers.
#12 2.8%
Thompson and Thomson: The bungling detectives. They have slightly different names, therefore they claim not to be brothers, yet there is that striking resemblance.
#13 2.0%
Snowy: Tintin's loyal white fox terrier. Imbibes Loch Lomond whiskey.
#14 1.7%
Bobby Smiles: Chicago gangster who made several attempts on Tintin’s life.
#15 1.7%
Mr. Bolt: A handyman who is always slow to get the job done.
#16 1.2%
Jolyon Wagg: Talkative insurance agent for Rock Bottom Insurance Co. Oblivious to the fact that he annoys most people.
#17 1.1%
Piotr Skut: Estonian plane pilot, tried to shoot Tintin’s boat, but later became Tintin’s friend and ally.
#18 1.1%
Roberto Rastapopoulos: Millionaire film producer, drug runner, slave trader.
#19 0.7%
J.W.Muller: Another villain. (A.K.A. Mull Pasha, Professor Smith)
#20 0.6%
Allan: Rastapopoulos's henchman, earlier a duplicitous first mate of Haddock. He was known originally as Allan Thompson, but when English translations began to appear, this was shortened down to Allan to avoid confusion.
#21 0.6%
Oliveira da Figueira: Portuguese salesman.
#22 0.4%
General Tapioca: Alcazar's enemy and evil right-wing dictator.
#23 0.4%
Pablo: Mexican who has tried to kill Tintin, then seemingly was a friend.
#24 0.4%
Ridgewell: British explorer who lives with the Arumbaya Indians. He is also a ventriloquist.
#25 0.2%
Colonel Sponsz: Evil police and security chief.

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