Survey Says: Top What type of person are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 7 What type of person are you? results of 48 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What type of person are you?.      

#1 47.9%
Nerd- You are constantly left out and are the butt of every joke. But remember, Bill Gates has the power to desroy the lives of everyone who teased him in high school, so keep at it!
#2 20.8%
College Bound- You are looked at as an overacheiver, and are often under stress. You cling to the belief that one day, you'll be the boss of us all. And you know something? You're probably right.
#3 12.5%
Goth- You put on more makeup each day than the preps, but it's what's inside that counts and you know exactly what that is: Blood and intestines.
#4 10.4%
Jock- You were voted 'Most likely to kill someone for being gay' You have a strap and an itch named after you. Congrats.
#5 4.2%
Easy Lay- You know you've got it! ...And so does everyone else, as they've seen it again and again.
#6 2.1%
Prep- You are loved and respected by all. Just like Brittney Spears.
#7 2.1%
Punk- Both your music and hair could be summed up as dangerous. You like to think extreme. But be careful to specify what extreme you are reffering to.

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