Survey Says: Top What color are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 6 What color are you? results of 37 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What color are you?.      

#1 59.5%
You are NAVY. You're the center of attention and good at whatever you do. Little Ms. Popular, everyone wants to be you. (Oh God no! The horror! I made a rhyme!)
#2 18.9%
You are GREY. Wow! You're such a boring person. You have a horrible outlook on life and very few friends. You should get your act together and start trying.
#3 8.1%
You are PURPLE. You are liked by some, but not all. Rather than having a few close friends, You surround yourself with aquaintences. You're sweet, but shy. Work on your selfconfidence!
#4 8.1%
You are RED. You are a passionate person and follow your emotions in everything you do.
#5 5.4%
You are GREEN. You don't have many friends, but the ones you have are close. You're a bit of an oddball, but that's okay, they still luv ya!
#6 0.0%
You are YELLOW. You are cheerful and happy. You've got a great outlook on life, and nothing can get you down.

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