Survey Says: Top Bewitched Character Quiz results, Television Survey
The top 15 Bewitched Character Quiz results of 577 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Bewitched Character Quiz.      

#1 20.5%
Samantha Stephens - beautiful blonde witch who fights the urge to twitch
#2 20.1%
Serena - dark haired fun loving swinger witch
#3 14.6%
Louise Tate - kind hearted housewife
#4 12.7%
Tabitha Stephens - cute young witch in training
#5 8.3%
Darrin Stephens - handsome popular ad executive with strange in-laws
#6 5.7%
Larry Tate - money hungry cotton top senior partner
#7 3.6%
Clara - befuddle gentle witch
#8 2.9%
Endora - red headed powerful get even witch
#9 2.8%
Frank Stephens - no nonsense retired father of Darrin
#10 2.6%
Abner Kravitz - retired bookworm neighbor
#11 2.3%
Gladys Kravitz - the crazy nosey shrieking neighbor
#12 1.4%
Phyillis Stephens - headachy curious meddling mother of Darrin
#13 1.0%
Bombay - crazy witch doctor
#14 1.0%
Uncle Arthur - jokester and prankster
#15 0.5%
This is not an answer, I've taken some liberties with the scoring to give each character a chance

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