Survey Says: Top Anime Quizs PLUS results, Weird Survey
The top 8 Anime Quizs PLUS results of 116 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Anime Quizs PLUS .      

#1 18.1%
You're Tidus! Flirty, cute, and upbeat. The main character in this chapter of Fanal Fantasy, although you're hair takes away from your masculin body.
#2 6.0%
You're Lulu! Sycotic, self-absorbed, but pretty. You tend to dwell on past issues but when it comes down to facing them you get straight to it.
#3 4.3%
You're Rikku! Hyper, intergenic and annoying. What's with waving your hands around so much when you talk? Not like someones comin' for ya'! Oh...wait...
#4 3.4%
#5 3.4%
#6 3.4%
You're Yuna! Strong-willed, Honored, and reserved. You never say anything you don't mean. And you are in love with the girl/man.(Tidus)
#7 2.6%
You're Auron! Grumpy, Old(er), and wise. However wise you maybe you tend to keep you mouth shut and see if the others will earn on their own. However they ussually don't and you must save them.
#8 0.0%
You're Wakka! Upbeat, Yevonite, stupid. You can never seem to do anything right. However you're friends keep you with them because they can't kill them flyers!

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