Survey Says: Top Which Main Star Trek Waifu Would Fancy U? results, Star Trek Survey
Star Trek
The top 18 Which Main Star Trek Waifu Would Fancy U? results of 49 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Main Star Trek Waifu Would Fancy U? .      

#1 46.9%
Keiko O'Brien
#2 24.5%
Nyota Uhura
#3 10.2%
Janice Rand
#4 8.2%
Sub-Cmdr. T'Pol
#5 2.0%
#6 2.0%
Counselor Deanna Troi
#7 2.0%
Lt. B'Elanna Torres
#8 2.0%
Lt. Saavik (Search For Spock)
#9 2.0%
Seven Of Nine
#10 0.0%
Captain Kathryn Janeway
#11 0.0%
Doctor Beverly Crusher
#12 0.0%
Ensign Hoshi Sato
#13 0.0%
#14 0.0%
Lt. Cmdr. Jadzia Dax
#15 0.0%
Lt. Ezri Dax
#16 0.0%
Lt. Saavik (Wrath Of Khan)
#17 0.0%
Lt. Valeris
#18 0.0%
Major Kira Nerys

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